How is the new sexual enhancer?
Kamagra Original is not a new sexual enhancer, but there are still many people who have not yet heard about Kamagra. It is a generic form of the already well-known erectile dysfunction medication - Viagra. Just like the original Viagra, Kamagra contains 100 mg of the active substance sildenafil citrate in one dose (i.e., in one pill). This substance contributes to better blood circulation in the genitals. The blood vessels are loosened up by Kamagra, and thus the blood flow in the genitals becomes stronger, resulting in an erection, which is the natural response to sexual stimulation. In this way, Kamagra helps to combat the problem of sexual dysfunction, also known as impotence.
Use of the drug and the unwanted side effects
The Kamagra pills are taken about one hour before the planned sexual activity, and the effect lasts about 4 hours. With Kamagra Jelly, which is a relatively new sexual enhancer, the effect occurs within half an hour, i.e., somewhat faster than with classic pills. Although in a lighter form, just as with other drugs, the risk of unwanted side effects can occur. The most common ones are mild headaches, nausea, redness in the face, or heat waves. The side effects such as irregular heart rhythm, burning of the urine, blood in the urine, blurred vision, or sensitivity to light, twilight conditions, or nosebleeds are bizarre. In these cases, medical help should be sought immediately.
New sexual enhancer
A relatively new sexual enhancer is Kamagra jelly or Kamagra effervescent tablets. These new forms ensure more convenient use of these drugs, whereby the content of the active ingredient sildenafil citrate in one dose remains unchanged at the level of 100 mg. This amount of the active substance is also the maximum recommended daily dose. However, the effect can be individually intensive, and 25 or 50 mg of the active substance in one treatment is sufficient for someone. Consultation with your doctor regarding the dosage and intensity of use of Kamagra can only be useful.
E-Shop Kamagra Original
In our Kamagra Original E-Shop, you will also find new sexual enhancers that you may not have been aware of until now. All the drugs are specific, and all of them are produced in the highest quality by distinguished pharmaceutical companies. The medicines from our e-shop are delivered to your hands quickly, safely, and above all, with maximum discretion.